The Korean Academy for Supportive Care in Cancer (KASCC) was established in 2021 with the goal of enhancing the advancement of cancer patients and healthcare professionals through education, scientific research, and advocacy in the realm of supportive care in cancer. As an affiliate of the Korean Society of Medical Oncology (KSMO) and the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC), KASCC plays a pivotal role in advancing supportive care initiatives.

What is Supportive Care in Cancer?

Supportive care in cancer is the prevention and management of the adverse effects of cancer and its treatment. This includes management of physical and psychological symptoms and side effects across the continuum of the cancer journey from diagnosis through treatment to post-treatment care. Supportive care aims to improve the quality of rehabilitation, secondary cancer prevention, survivorship, and end-of-life care.

KASCC Activities

Meetings & Education
  • KASCC Annual Meeting : An event held in April in Korea, providing a platform for networking and exchanging scientific research with academic organizations nationwide and internationally. (Learn more)
  • Best of MASCC in Korea : Conducted in November in Korea, this event reviews the MASCC Annual Meeting for Korean healthcare professionals specializing in supportive care in cancer. (Learn more)
  • **click here to see Meeting Photos
  • KASCC publishes review articles and guidelines in palliative and supportive care in cancer, also publishes newsletter bimonthly.
  • We host joint sessions with overseas organizations such as MASCC and JASCC, fostering academic networks and collaborations.
  • KASCC collaborate and co-work with government agencies and national and international non-governmental organizations to engage in activities related to policy formulation in supportive care in cancer.
  • ksmoconference
  • UICC
  • 세계 암의 날 2월 4일